11th SADC Baie-des-Chaleurs HR Seminar
16 novembre 2022
Engage your team. Be an employer of choice!
The Société d’aide au développement de la collectivité (SADC) of the Baie-des-Chaleurs region will host its 11th Human Resources Seminar on November 16, 2022. This event, which is organized thanks to the financial participation of Economic Development Canada for the Quebec region and of the Government of Quebec, will be held in-person at the Gaspésie Convention Centre at Carleton-sur-Mer.
Under the theme “Engage Your Team. Be an Employer of Choice!” the HR Seminar will feature time to think and strategies for managers, team heads, directors, supervisors, as well as for professional resources and staff of businesses and organizations in the Baie-des-Chaleurs region. Speakers and trainers will deal with marketing HR, general skills for organizational succession, the emotional commitment of employees and human or soft skills among other subjects.
This year, your hours of training will be acknowledged by the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés (CRHA). [Order of Certified Human Resources Counsellors]
*Please note that all conferences are in French only.
8:00 a.m.: Welcoming participants
8:30 a.m.: Opening Address
« HR Marketing: Why? »
By Didier Dubois | Strategist, HR Marketing and Digital HR Solutions | HRM Groupe
In the Quebec post-pandemic context of labour shortage, finding and retaining employees has become a difficult task for all organizations. This reality, together with the increasing demands of workers, and the explosion of individual profiles are only some of the challenges facing organizations.
How can HR marketing help organizations attract and make its workforce loyal? What processes and tools can be implemented to succeed with this? What experiences do you want your candidates and staff to have? Those are some of the questions this seminar seeks to answer.
For more information about the speaker: facteurh.com/auteur/didier
10:30: Whorkshop (2 choices)*
Room 1 : « Organizational Succession: Think About Generic Skills »
By Marie-Laure Eude-Le Dorze | Consultant for ELD gestion des ressources humaines
Tailored for directors, supervisors, staff members and socioeconomic actors, this workshop-seminar deals with the problems inherent in selecting, retaining and concerning the capitalization of knowledge, using a generic skills approach and succession planning. Dealing with retirement, succession planning also concerns the integration of new key employees, versatility and the organization of work.
Using a concrete and personalized approach, this workshop will allow participants to explore the means to enhance individual and group learning, to increase the feeling of competency, of satisfaction and accomplishment by staff regarding their contribution to the business, to capitalize individual and groups skills to ensure business continuity.
For more information about the trainer: eldrh.com
Room 2 : « Emotional Commitment: A Lever for Loyalty »
By Marielle Bourguignon-Cyr | Consultant for ALIA Conseil
This workshop-seminar is tailored for persons wishing to reinforce their knowledge in engagement management to integrate certain strategies in their management practice and contribute to the increase in organizational performance. Engagement corresponds to an employee’s psychological state of mind regarding his/her organization. It determines an employee’s intention to maintain a link with it. Businesses which act on engagement have greater productivity, feature a more attractive atmosphere and quality of life at work and a lower turnover rate. Because engagement is a key factor to increase the investment in work in addition to personal and professional satisfaction, it is appropriate to empower managers regarding the improvement of sound management techniques.
This workshop deals with the distinction between engagement and mobilization; the importance of engagement and evolution of the concept since the pandemic; the nature of engagement (rational or emotional); the fundamental pillars of emotional engagement; management strategies which encourage engagement and mobilization.
For more information about the trainer: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marielle-bourguignon-cyr-68a175149/
1:00 p.m.: Meal End Address
« The revolution of innovation for the future of the region »
By Luc Sirois | Head Innovator and Director General | Conseil de l’innovation du Québec
“It is essential to act now to meet the major social challenges such as business competitiveness or labour shortage. But there is more: if we manage to combine great future technologies and to apply them to solve issues in health care, environment, education, or climate change, that would make a tremendous difference. I will not only share my thoughts, but also the means to benefit from innovation.” – Luc Sirois
For more information about the speaker: https://conseilinnovation.quebec/membre-conseil/luc-sirois/
1:30 p.m.: Closing Address
« Human Skills: A Key for Success in Business »
By Benoit Chalifoux | an international speaker and professor at the UQAM École des sciences de la gestion [School of Management]
All businesses seek creative, motivated and engaged staff to support them in accomplishing their mission. It is accordingly important for them to encourage their staff to develop life balance and to empower them to becoming more performing, while improving their well-being at work. Interpersonal relationships are more than ever a crucial factor for the success or failure of an organization, but especially for individual fulfilment. Far from being something that is easy to develop, human skills (or soft skills) may be the determining factor that will make a difference in your professional career.
This seminar will allow you to increase your motivation and performance to attain your goals, whether professional or personal. The objectives of the learning session in question are to allow you to become aware of your emotional intelligence at work and your decision-making. Team supervision skills, priority and conflict management and managerial courage are also dealt with.
For more information about the speaker: benoitchalifoux.com
3 p.m.: End
Registration Fee
- $150 per person for non-members (including lunch)
- $100 per person for members (including lunch)
To Register
Registration must be completed on-line before November 11, 2022. No refund if cancellation after November 14, 2022.
*Please note that places at the workshops are limited.
Register now!
Thanks to our partners for their support!