Gasse Électrique inc. – Business Portrait

15 February 2023

Antoni Gasse founded Gasse Électrique inc. in 2018, at Nouvelle. Justin Simoneau, who joined the team in 2020, quickly showed his mettle and has become a co-owner in the beginning of 2023. A meeting with Antoni and Justin about the business, which obtained support from the SADC Baie-des-Chaleurs.

A Thumbnail Sketch of the Business

Gasse Électrique inc. features a broad variety of electrical services, whether for construction projects, residential, commercial or industrial renovation. Employing nine persons, the business has electricians in Bonaventure, Maria, Carleton-sur-Mer and Nouvelle. It is poised to quickly meet the needs of its clientele within the area it serves, from Matapédia to Paspébiac.

In What Way is your Business Unique?

“As far as efficiency is concerned” affirmed Justin. We have a good operational structure which allows us to serve our clients well. We can meet their needs rapidly.” According to Antoni, Gasse Électrique inc. is also outstanding due to its young and dynamic team plus another important asset: “We do not lack manpower. Employees come to us and don’t see why they should leave. Quality of life is essential for us and we are very flexible. Our vision is to have the right persons for the right job.”


Why did You Choose to be in Business?

Antoni worked as an electrician outside of Quebec, where he managed large construction sites and work teams. He enjoyed doing this. He then came back. “I’m a Gaspesian through and through and my goal is to remain in the region.” He also wanted to remain with his family. “After working for a local company, I decided to make the leap myself. I saw that as a challenge.” Justin was hired by Gasse Électrique inc. in 2020 as an electrician. After some time, he wanted to become more involved in the business. “There is a management side to me. I like to discover opportunities, to see how to be more efficient and proactive. I told Antoni that I could take care of these aspects.” This is how they became partners. “Antoni is a guy from Nouvelle, who knows everybody. I’m from the outside and I am objective. Things fitted in just right because of this merging!”


How did Support From the SADC Help You?

Antoni had a loan from the SADC Youth Strategy Program to purchase a building with office space and a garage to store the equipment. “The building is a great advantage, underlined Justin. We can have an inventory. That make us much more efficient.” The business also obtained financing from the SADC for accounting support to optimize its management model. This support allowed Gasse Électrique inc. to have a dashboard and to reorganize its administration.

Tell us About a Noteworthy Achievement of Which You are Especially Proud as a Businessperson.

“Just having gone through the pandemic is a victory in itself!” mentioned Antoni. “We were not as financially sound as we are now.” Antoni and Justin said that they are very proud of the subsequent growth of the business! “Over the last two years now, we managed to hire good employees and we completed our partnership” said Justin. “We purchased two additional service vehicles and hired an extraordinary administrative assistant. We concluded structuring business partnerships. The company, which has grown, has allowed us to obtain interesting and stimulating contracts.” 

What Advice Would You Give to Anyone Who is Considering Starting up a Business in the Baie-des-Chaleurs Region?

“Partner with someone who comes from here” said Justin, laughing. Originally from Quebec City, he appreciates being in business with someone from the area who knows everyone. On the other hand, he has an external viewpoint which is a complement to a local viewpoint. More seriously however, according to him, to embark in a business, you have to know how to delve into it, you “need a head on your shoulders and you have to take good advice.” He added that quality and painstaking attention to detail are especially important in a small area. “There is extra pressure because of that.” He also recommends focussing on satisfied persons. “They are the ones who’ll call you back!”


About Antoni Gasse and Justin Simoneau

A master electrician, Antoni Gasse founded Gasse Électrique inc., in Nouvelle, in 2018. Hired by a company as an electrician in the beginning of 2020, Justin Simoneau officially became a partner in February 2023.